Each machine is an organism, a complex system of parts assembled with skill and care. We enter the warehouse, where the components that will become part of the Isoli products are kept and sorted.
This is the central node of a balanced ecosystem; and it is also the terminal of a dense network of relationships with the surrounding area. Until a few years ago the carpentry was produced on the farm. Today the components designed by Isoli are manufactured by a network of 100% Italian specialized workshops; selected, followed and controlled at all stages of production.
Suppliers are required to have a high quality factor, aware that the excellence of the final result depends on attention to every single detail.
Company and suppliers share the same values and the same mission: to generate a continuously improving product through the continuous search for solutions to concrete problems.
The same warehouse is organized to ensure maximum efficiency and functionality. It is automated and divided into two sections: rescue trucks and military equipment, and platforms.
Upon arrival of the material, the receptionists validate entry with codes and barcodes, and enter the data into the company computer system. When the production orders are launched, the warehouse workers prepare the pallets destined for the workshop, each of which contains all the individual pieces necessary for the assembly of each machine.
An accurate preparation work that makes all the subsequent phases fluid and efficient.